Sometimes, a magic moment emerges from a tape that for whatever reason just can't go up in its entirety. This is where you'll find those wonderful little clips.
Old white people disco dancing for 6 minutes straight
Part of a longer tape that I'll be uploading soon. Check out Austin Powers, two coked out lunatics in white, and some old ladies who really just want to be left alone.
Son's Surprise Christmas Visit
A family gets a surprise Christmas visit from their son. I've always found this clip really heartwarming, and it's part of the reason I act all creepy and watch other people's home movies.
The Patriotic Parrot
"Squawk, Polly wants life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Part of another cute home video, where a man shows off his new color camcorder while taking his family on a roadtrip.
Grandma hates her birthday party
Meemaw just wants to go home. From a home video labeled "EASTER SUNDAY (4-15-90) AND moms 81st birthday"